When the loading of a tissue exceeds the capacity of that tissue compensatory physiological changes occur.
The leading (and only) biomechanical exam that will identify faults that lead to injury and premature degeneration.
Our program begins with The Structural Fingerprint® Exam, as recommendations should be based on structural, biomechanical findings, not symptoms. This program even encourages asymptomatic groups to learn the status of their structures, and then proactively begin to work on balancing, conditioning and preserving themselves.
A person’s structural status is based on age, prior injuries, genetics, conditioning, job, shoes worn, mattress used, diet, height, weight and many more contributing factors.
Regardless of the symptomatic picture that exists, a standard X-ray series is performed on each patient. The three reasons for X-raying each patient is to 1) rule out pathology, 2) determine biomechanical defects, and 3) to show the patient for improved communication and understanding.
All weight training and rehabilitation programs, as well as chiropractic adjusting techniques, must become secondary to the Dr. Maggs℠ Leg Length Test which uses advanced technology to determine leg length. This test should be performed prior to any recommendations or treatment is provided. You cannot underestimate the importance the feet, knees and leg length play in the overall musculoskeletal wellness of a person. For maximum injury prevention and optimal performance, this test must be performed on every patient.