Dr. Maggs® Feet First orthotics are the first step in the prevention of injuries. Dr. Maggs' revolutionary ideas are based on 8 peer reviewed medical studies of over 1,000 patients. His research proves that symmetrical feet and balanced hips are the keys to preventing injuries.
Dr. Maggs' Feet First Orthotics are the highest quality over-the-counter foot insoles you can buy. Shop online anytime. No foot scan necessary! Grab orthotics for your whole family!
Dr. Maggs recommends that every middle and high school athlete undergoes a thorough chiropractic exam at the beginning of each sports season. This approach would help identify biomechanical faults that can then be treated and corrected, reducing the potential for injury.
Are you local to the Schenectady NY area? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Maggs today!
Dr. Maggs recommends Potential Power Nutrition's Breakfast Blend shake.
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